Sunday, April 13, 2008

Paris Marathon, Last 6.2 Miles

1 Comment:

  1. GAIL said...
    I have finally been able to sit down and read every word of your blog. Very impressive. And the photos from Paris are beautiful. The part of your description of the last 6.2 miles that I could relate to was when you called it "a lonely personal battle" How so true. Isn't it amazing that even though you are surrounded by THOUSANDS of people doing the same thing you are, that you can feel so alone. It is such a mental battle. As I have told you already, I am SO proud of your determination, discipline and the fire I always saw in your eyes when we talked running! I never had a doubt that you would not reach your goal. Now you can proudly call yourself a marathon runner. My poster from the NYC marathon that I have proudly displayed in my home states "At 18 miles you wonder why you do this. At 26.2 it all becomes PERFECTLY clear." You now know exactly what that means. Thank you for sharing your goal with all of us. Congratulations.
    Gail (ACD nurse and one-beer the night before the marathon-marathoner!!)

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