Monday, March 10, 2008
Busy week, I was on Call over the weekend which made it very unpredictable, in terms of maintaining the running schedule. Realizing that being on Call is a way of life for me, I have limited my runs to 2 for the week on call. Green Bay continues to be cold although there is hope with some improvement in weather expected next week. This week I did get time to reflect on the training routine I have attempted to maintain. First of all Bellin XL program proved to be boon for me. Time spent on core exercises particularly stretching, lunges and strength training has been well worth it. I was lucky to work with Barry Rubin, who was previously Green Bay Packers strength coach. He took a keen interest in helping me out, a novice athlete, considering that he works mostly with top athletes. I put in almost 35-40 hrs. of training with him. As it is all good things come to an end , Barry has now joined Philadelphia Eagles organization. I have continued to train at Bellin XL program. For the Running schedule I have followed the First Marathon Furman Institute Program. There have been some set backs along the way including a very frigid winter with subzero temperatures limiting ability to run long distances outdoors, a nagging groin injury and then the recent bout of Flu which has left me with contused ribs due to excessive coughing. The good news I am on the mend and hopefully should be able to complete the last few runs of the training program.
This week
Tuesday, 4th March…… Strength Training
Thursday, 6th March….. Easy Run 5 miles
Saturday, 8th March……..Long Run 8 miles @ 8’.55”/mile pace
Just stopped in to see if you are keeping up with yourself. Can't wait to hear how the run in Paris goes.