Sunday, March 21, 2010

"Ganga", I will miss you.

Last week I lost the most avid follower of this blog. Professor V.M. Ganga Nair, 80, Green Bay, a world-renowned expert on forest preservation and professor at UW-Green Bay for over 40 years, died unexpectedly on March 10, 2010. "Ganga", as he was affectionately called left a lasting impression on any one he met. His infectious smile will stick in my mind for ever. My office desk is full of cards he had sent while he was on his travels around the world. He was source of inspiration, always encouraging me to keep up with my running and other goals. He will be greatly missed.

1 Comment:

  1. 888 said...
    I took all of his classes when I was an undergrad at UW-Green Bay and they were HARD. But I learned the most from them.

    The best thing I ever heard him say was that "In a glass of water, you see your own reflection. But, in a glass of wine, you see the reflections of your good friends."

    I'll miss that dude.

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